Count Your Blessings
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
It's Ramadhan and it's only appropriate I start this post with the name of Allah, the Most Merciful. After all, what I want to write is really about Him, His blessings and His Gracious.
My beginning of Ramadhan was very average compared to all the previous Ramadhans. As far as I can remember, I always wish to perform taraweeh at least 8 rakaat every night, to read all the 30 chapters of Al Quran and to perform as much ibadah as possible. However it's a bit different this year. For the first time, I did not wish to perform taraweeh 8 rakaat every night and my free time was not spent by reading the Quran. It's a bit unusual, I have a feeling that even my soul was a bit shocked. I had no idea why, but that's what is going on currently. My wishes for this Ramadhan are very simple. I want to start doing something that I will continue doing even after fasting month. I just want to share my rezeki with my family and do as much as I can for my parents and to pray at the earlier period of prayer times. I know it's nothing grand, but delaying prayers has been my biggest enemy for so long. I intend to do just that, a baby step at a time, slowly but surely. Insha Allah.
Today is the eighth day of Ramadhan which means we have entered into the second week of this Holy Month. I think my soul is thirsty for something, for when I was listening for some songs (as I usually do on my way to work), and a remake song titled "Sesungguhnya" was being played, I felt like crying when I heard the verse "syukurku adalah milikMu" (my gratitude belongs to You). I felt like I haven't been grateful enough. Probably it's sending a message to remind me the post-it note I stuck on my vanity mirror, which to express and deliver my gratitude every day. I've neglected the note for awhile now. It's a month full of blessings, and just by a snap, He sends his message. In His subtle way, He reminds me to be more grateful, maybe to be grateful I have the opportunity to experience another Ramadhan. I see now. I probably a week late in the fiesta of ibadah this year, but let's do this. My soul is thirsty for good deeds and I'm ready to feed it. Now first thing first thank you Allah for the lovely reminder.